Christ Presbyterian Church

We stand in that stream of Christian tradition known as Reformed.

Grounded in Scripture, and tracing our roots to the Protestant Reformation, Christ Presbyterian Church seeks to be a Church “reformed, and always reforming, according to the Word of God.”


Visit Us

We are located at 18451 W. 10 Mile Rd. in Southfield, Michigan, near the intersection of 10 Mile Rd. and Southfield Rd., on the south side of the street.

Parking is in the rear.


  • Every Sunday morning, the week’s liturgy and sermon are posted as well as live-streamed on Facebook live. We invite you to join with us!

  • Sunday Worship—10:00 am

  • Christian Education for all ages—9:00 am (Starting again in fall)

Tithes & Offerings

You may give safely and securely through PayPal.

For more information about Christ Presbyterian Church, call (248) 547-9585.